My Off-Roading and Photography Blog

Exploring and Learning Through Nature and Inquiry

Week Six Reflection

This week during class, we were able to learn about video, audio and digital curation. We talked about educational videos, GIF’s, video and audio files, and curating a digital network to store our important files and ideas.

The two ideas that I found most interesting was the lesson about digital curation, and the lesson about screen casting.

Firstly, I thought this lesson about digital curation was super important! As we navigate through the rest of our schooling, we have to start gearing towards preparing for our jobs as a teacher. Michael was able to give us plenty of resources where we are able to save all the important documents and files we discover throughout our career. Sort of like a big box where we can store anything we find. This could be articles, school assignments, papers, links, pictures, anything at all that we think is worth saving for the future. The nice thing about technology is that it won’t ever be destroyed. You can upload all these documents into this safe space where it will sit there waiting for you to open it again. Some of these resources I’d like to keep include:

-Microsoft OneNote

-Google Keep

-And of course, WordPress.

These resources will help us “Seek, sense and share” information, as Michael put it. Seeking is to find and build a network, whether it be via the internet or a colleague. Sensing is how we personalize this information, and actually put it to use in the field. Finally sharing is exchanging the resources we have curated with other networks or colleagues.

The next topic that interested me a lot was screen casting. In the world we live in, I think that screen casting has definitely become a lot more popular. Whether it be a Twitch streamer, or a teacher teaching an online class, screen casting is slowly gaining a lot of popularity. Screen casting is a video and audio recording all in one, where the speaker records their screen while talking at the same time. I think that it is important that I learn how to use it, as it is a great tool for online learners to really hone in on what the lesson is trying to teach.

This week, I went ahead and created my own screen cast, using Screencast-O-Matic to present a little PowerPoint presentation about off-roading.


Overall, this was an interesting week and I definitely have some great resources to go ahead with beginning to plan for my future as an educator.

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